Reach Out to the Public Cloud Resources

Cloud services provided by Dropbox, Box, OneDrive. Public sharing and Private sharing are provided by Jรบne


Jรบne's Public | Share yours

Que to Print, Public Documents ... Dropbox provides 19.5G storage and now 19.1% spaces are used up. If you wish to share something with me, You can upload exclusively.

Google Drive

Jรบne's Primary Drive

Google Docs files, Short term documents ... Google Drive provides 19G storage and now 9GB are used for Google Drive including Gmail. Only primary account is used for public sharing.


Jรบne's Primary Box

Jรบne's Secondary Box

Box is used for small size files and regular backup files. each file has size limitation of 250MB. Having dual accounts with 50G per each. Primary uses 26.8G of 50.0G, and Secondary uses 6.0G of 50.0G.


Primary OneDrive

Secondary OneDrive

Onedrive is operated by Microsoft and connected with Microsoft Office. Usual save location for Office documents. Primary occupied 5.24G of 40G and Secondary occupied 11.9G of 40G.

I don't need a hard disk in my computer if I can get to the server faster... carrying around these non-connected computers is byzantine by comparison
โ€” Steve Jobs, late chairman of Apple (1997)


Data never vanish, Just spread out

Users have decided to share and exchange in parts.

Periodic,  Single Sharing    Collective,  Bulk Sharing    Personal Purpose Sharing Datacenter Sycnhronizing



Warp to colleague's personal drive

Each drive is private and need authentification to access


Linux based Servers

AUTiSM Rainbow, EPiGEN Crystal, NiMBUS deBlanc, MUTiSM Magnum, GiLEAD Argenta, SYMBiO Conatus and DEBRiS Chrome (Personal) plus 32 Raspbian servers for personal assistance

By Microsoft, Google, & Github

Microsoft Office 365: 2 accounts, G Suite Education: 1 account, G Suite Free: 2 administrators, & Github (Unlimited)

Created & managed by Jรบne Park

Enterprise entry supercomputers (42+6)EA - Business servers for machine learning research and inspiration works